100+ Club
Join our 100+ Club today for a chance to win monthly cash prizes, whilst also supporting the Fragile X Society!
11 Monthly Prizes

4 x £20 and bumper
December Prize

1 x £100 and 2 x £50

How it Works
After purchasing a £20 yearly subscription, 100+ Club supporters are automatically entered into our monthly prize draw. Winners drawn each month win a prize of up to £100! You can even sign up to have multiple entries for an even bigger chance of winning. As well as the chance of a prize, the regular income from our subscribers is so valuable for helping us to continue our work.
The subscription year runs from 1st May to 30th April. You are very welcome to join at a later date, but you will be entered into the draws for the remainder of the subscription year only.
We rely on generous donations and are so grateful to all of our 100+ Club supporters.

How to Join
Joining is simple! Complete the secure online form below and enter your contact and payment details. You may purchase as many subscriptions as you wish at £20 each, just select the appropriate option below.
Every pound donated via subscriptions to the 100+ Club makes a real difference, for which we are very grateful.
Good luck to all our entrants in the monthly draws! We will email you to request your bank details for BACS transfer if you are a lucky winner, so please ensure you provide your email address.
Further Information
The subscription year will run from 1st May to 30th April.
Draws take place each month.
You may have any number of subscriptions provided that a separate subscription is paid for each.
One unique draw number will be allocated per subscription paid.
Anyone winning in one month shall continue to be eligible for prizes during subsequent months.
A prize will only be paid to the person to whom the winning number has been given.
Subscriptions do not qualify for Gift Aid.