Annual General Meeting
Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is an important occasion in the Fragile X Society's year. It is an opportunity to reflect upon the successes and challenges from the previous year, to review and approve the charity's financial accounts and for the membership to vote on key issues, including electing members to the Board of Directors. Our Board volunteer their time to lead and govern the charity.
If you are interested in joining our Board, you can find out how to become a Director by contacting

Notice of AGM
In 2024 our AGM will take place at online on Monday 16th September 2024. This is an online AGM members meeting and we would love for you all to be there. For the log in details of the call, please email
To stand for re-election is Anne Eccleshall and Andrew Jacques after reaching the end of their term. Patricia Patterson, Aiste Skegg and Jonny Cobbold have been requested to be elected for this year.
The agenda for the AGM, Treasurer’s report, Trustees' Report and Signed Accounts and minutes from the last meeting are available to download below.
Supporting papers 2024
Agenda (please note the agenda is subject to amendment)
Trustees' Report and Signed Accounts
Proxy Forms
If you are a member of the charity but are unable to attend the AGM, you can submit a proxy form so that another member of the charity may vote on your behalf.

Annual Review
If you would like a hard copy of previous or the current Annual Review please email
A copy of our latest Newsletter Summer 2024
can be downloaded