Get in touch
We are here to help and can support you with any questions or enquiries you may have. Please do get in touch and we will get back to you as soon as possible. *
(*We are small, part-time team and the office is open Tuesday and Thursday (9am - 5pm) and Wednesday (1 - 5pm); we will respond to your query within these hours.)
**Please be aware that we do not offer a crisis or emergency service**
If you, or someone you know, is in immediate danger, please contact emergency services, such as the Police: telephone 999.
If you or someone you know, needs urgent medical attention, or is suicidal, go to the Accident and Emergency (A&E) department of any hospital or make an emergency GP appointment.
If you need urgent medical advice, call:
NHS on 111 if you live in England or Scotland
NHS on 0845 46 47 if you live in Wales (or 111 if you live in Hywel Dda, Powys, Aneurin Bevan and Swansea Bay - including Bridgend).
your trust’s GP out of hours in Northern Ireland.
If you are having a difficult time, you can call the Samaritans any time, day or night, on 116 123 or email

Information for the Media
The Fragile X Society is pleased to provide members of the press, TV and radio with:
comment on breaking news
information on Fragile X
connection to individuals with Fragile X and families for interview
connection with Fragile X experts for interview
video clips
For further information, call us on 01371 875100 or complete the contact form above.