As the new Chair of the Fragile X Society, I thought I would quickly introduce myself via a short blog post, which I hope you find both interesting and informative!
I am Craig McDonald, married to Gillian, and we have 17 year old twin boys (Stuart and Matthew) who both have Fragile X Syndrome.

A bit about us first, we live in Peebles in the Scottish Borders. Gillian works for RBS and I work for Lloyds Banking Group. The boys are in 5th year at the local High School which will probably be their last year at school before hopefully going to College for the next chapter in their lives.
We have been in touch with the Fragile X Society since the boys were diagnosed in 2008 at the age of 10. I joined the board a few years ago as a trustee/director to give back some of my time, business experience and leadership skills to the charity that is very close to our hearts.
I am really looking forward to the next chapter in the Charity’s history. Having seen (partly) where the Charity has come in the past 25 years, I cannot imagine where we will be in another 25 years. One of our key aims in the immediate future is to continue to build on increased awareness of Fragile X Syndrome throughout the UK and to ensure that there is information readily available to families and professionals who are impacted in some way.
This blog is my introduction. I’d like to think I will provide a regular update on what is happening in the world of Fragile X going forward.
Finally, I would like to personally thank Steve Harris for his enormous passion and support as Chair for the past 7 years. He is going to be a hard act to follow however we have an excellent Board who remain committed to ensuring the on-going ‘success’ of the Charity.
Thanks for reading and I look forward to being your Chair!