My name is Paula and I am 27 years old. I am a keen runner and I run with my local running club. I have been running for 2 years. My Fragile X causes me to suffer from anxiety, which can make me feel tired, breathless and agitated. So, I started running to improve my physical and mental health.

I have found that running helps my anxiety, but has also had other benefits. It has helped my social life, I have made new friends, and I really enjoy the atmosphere at races.
I have run a number of races, from 5ks to half marathons.However, I now want to take on a challenge for a cause. So, I will be running the Chase Water 10k for the Fragile X Society. The training for the race involves a 12 week plan. It is always important to warm up before a run and to stretch after to prevent injury. I am running for the Fragile X Society because I am passionate about raising awareness of this genetic condition, particularly in women.
I am collecting sponsorship from my friends and family to help the Fragile X Society’s work raising awareness and supporting others with Fragile X.
Thank you so much Paula for all that you do to raise awareness of Fragile X Syndrome, and to support our charity!
You can make a donation towards Paula’s fantastic efforts by donating on our website ( and mentioning in the comments that you are donating to Paula’s 10k.
You can also read more about Paula’s experiences of life with Fragile X in an earlier article she wrote for our newsletter, here.