The Fragile X Society is governed by a fantastic group of volunteers who work together to ensure the health and growth of the organisation. Our Directors come from many different backgrounds and bring a range of talents to the Board. The majority of our Directors have a personal link to Fragile X (such as having children or relatives with the condition).
The first requirement is that you are enthusiastic, keen to help and have time to give. As we are a small charity, with part-time staff, we rely on volunteers and our Board members to donate their time and expertise. We have several vacancies this year, which will be elected at our AGM in September 2021.
First, we are recruiting a Research Officer. This Board member chairs our Research Sub-Committee; liaises with researchers on current research proposals; and oversees reports of concluded research. Ideally, you will have a knowledge and experience of research within an academic or healthcare environment. Full support will be given in settling into this role. We have an active research Sub-Committee who help review current proposals, and the Research Officer is also supported by office staff in some of the admin tasks.
Second, we need a Secretary. This person will take minutes of our Board meetings and serve on our Governance Sub-Committee, helping oversee the governance of the Society.
Third, we are looking for someone who has either an expertise in fundraising/marketing and/or links in the corporate world to join the Board and serve on our fundraising Sub-Committee. We are developing our corporate fundraising initiative, and also broadening our financial base to ensure a stable footing which is sustainable in the years to come.
There are four Board meetings a year, and four Sub-Committee meetings between these Board meetings. We use Microsoft Teams to stay in regular contact, work together and take initiatives forward.
If you would like to discuss these opportunities in more detail, please contact the Chair of our Board of Directors, Dr Kirsten Johnson, on kirsten@fragilex.org.uk.
Please note that nomination forms to join the Board of Directors must be received by August 27, 2021 (28 days in advance of our AGM on September 25, 2021). You can download a nomination form here.