Please donate generously to us on Black Friday!!!

Let’s be honest no one needs reindeer poop…Or Elf poop, Snowman poop or any other type of poop at Christmas. Similarly, we don’t need a whole host of ‘must have’ items that are sold to us on Black Friday.
Christmas is a time of giving, sharing, loving and appreciating one another. So please don’t waste money on Reindeer poo, instead give a donation to the Fragile X Society out of some of the funds you may otherwise be spending on ‘Black Friday’.
You’ve already been hugely kind and generous this year. A huge, enormous thank you to you our members for all your support so far in 2024!
Your fundraising work and generous donations have enabled us, not only to continue to give essential advice and guidance to Fragile X Families through our families and professional advisors, but also to set up an entirely new counselling service. This is now proving to be an enormously beneficial service to those of you that need it and your feedback has been excellent.
In addition, we held two Landmark Conferences and significantly increased awareness of Fragile X by utilising the skills, expertise and connections of Fragile Family X Volunteers. Our Fragile X story made it into The Independent, The Daily Mirror, The Mail and 12 big regional papers (including the Liverpool Echo) as well as MSN online. I gave 2 local radio interviews that were franchised all across the UK. This gave us an enormous reach and I think it’s the most publicity we have ever had.
Thanks to your support as members of the Fragile X Society, along with Tim Eccleshall’s prudent management of our finances this year, we are delighted to have been able to continue to provide services to you.
Christmas 2024 is almost upon us and perhaps one of the positive reflections we can mull on, is that during this cost-of-living crisis we have become more caring and generous to one another.
This year we’d like to appeal to your generosity and ask for a donation or a purchase form us.
If you’re buying Christmas Cards, then please choose from our Fragile X range, but if you’re not posting cards this year and are donating to a charity; then don’t think twice and donate to us!
We’re doing our bit. We’ve spent our money wisely and frugally. We also accessed Grants and support from Charitable Trust (in particular the Chapman family have continued their goodwill and generosity towards us). But we do need extra funding and support to allow us to continue providing and growing services. We can then reach more families during 2025, develop services further and run more face-to-face events for Fragile X families.
Thank you again for your support and generosity! And please do share this message with your wider circle, friends and family.