Our services during this time
As we go into a third nationwide lockdown (in England), we know that it is an uncertain time and that you may have questions or concerns; please do get in touch with us. We are putting plans into action to keep our services available to you throughout this time. We are a small team and may not always have the answers immediately. But, as always, we will do our best to help.
You can reach our Families and Professionals Advisors via email (info@fragilex.org.uk) or phone (01371875100). Our helpline will be available Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, from 9am - 3.30pm.
Our online community
Whilst our face-to-face events are not going ahead, remember this great online community. You can find lots of information on our website; you can also follow our Facebook page (The Fragile X Society, UK), as well as finding us on Twitter and Instagram (@fragilexuk) - links are at the top of this page.
We want to hear from you!
Please do share your experiences with us to pass along to the rest of the Fragile X community! Any top tips or stories? Any useful resources which you have found? Please send them to us on social media or info@fragilex.org.uk.
Our very best wishes,
The Fragile X Society Team
5 November 2020