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Fragile X Friday: please can you help us this Black Friday?

Thanks to your support as members of the Fragile X Society and some welcome grant successes this year we are delighted to have been able to continue to provide services to you. Many similar small Charities have not been so fortunate…

We all know this Christmas will be different and challenging in many ways. Perhaps one of the positive reflections we can mull on, is that during this pandemic we have become more caring and generous to one another. This year, we’d like to appeal to your generosity and ask for a donation out of some of the funds you may otherwise be spending on ‘Black Friday’.

We’re doing our bit. We’ve reduced our spending in the office, to levels that a Dickensian character would be proud of. We are very frugal. We also accessed Covid Grants. But we do need extra funding and support to allow us to continue providing services. We can then ‘up our game’ next year when we’ll have truly ambitious plans to significantly put Fragile X on the map and drive change for the better for the Fragile X community.

This is where your donations will be spent:

· £5 enables us to send out vital information to a newly diagnosed family

· £50 helps run our helpline for an hour – we have thousands of contacts every year!

· £200 pays us to support a Fragile X family for 12 months

· £2500 pays for Families and Professionals advisors for a month providing evidence-based, specialist support and guidance to people within the Fragile X community.

Thanks again for your support and generosity!

And please do share this message with your wider friends and family.


Pete Richardson

Managing Director

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