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International Fragile X Awareness Day 2022: 10 October

Updated: Oct 11, 2022

Find out more about Fragile X International (FraXI) at

10 October (XX) is International Fragile X Awareness Day. Fragile X Syndrome is the most common inherited cause of learning disability.

But what is life really like with Fragile X?

Here, for International Fragile X Awareness Day, we're delighted to share with you these special videos, created by people living with Fragile X Syndrome and their families, about what Fragile X represents for them.

Thank you to Linda and Zackary, and Amanda, for telling your stories.

Fragile X International (FraXI) have also produced a video, below, featuring contributions from many countries.

You can view all three videos for #InternationalFragileXAwarenessDay below!

Light up a landmark: buildings across the UK lit up in blue to mark #internationalfragilexawarenessday. Take a look at the photos, at the bottom of the page!

Click below to watch Linda and Zackary's story:

Click below to watch Amanda's story:

Fragile X International (FraXI) have also produced a video, below, featuring contributions from many countries: 'For International Fragile X Awareness Day (#XX2022) we invited families from anywhere in the world to send us a short video clip of living with Fragile X Syndrome and what that represents to them. We were delighted to receive such excellent videos from so many different countries showing that, while we all live in different parts of the world and speak different languages, we can work together as one unified strong voice to increase understanding and knowledge about Fragile X Syndrome. The representative themes of the videos families sent in included both positive aspects such as the strengths of people with Fragile X as well as challenging issues they have to overcome in everyday life.'

Click below to watch Fragile X International's (FraXI) video:

Light up a landmark in blue! Buildings up and down the UK were illuminated in blue to mark International Fragile X Awareness Day. Take a look below!

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