I am pleased to announce that on Thursday 17 February at 7.30pm we will be holding a webinar to give you information and advice on ‘Managing transitions and planning for the future’.
The webinar will be led by Christine Towers from ‘Together matters’ who will be talking about the 'Thinking Ahead' guides she has written to give families ideas and tools to help with shaping the future at different times in people's lives when they are thinking about changes or wanting to have new opportunities. This may be about leaving school or college, exploring options such as employment, moving home, or adapting support as people grow older.
Christine will introduce the guides and share ideas about how other families have been using them.
Take a look at the three guides which are all free to download from the Together Matters website
Thinking Ahead: a planning guide for families
I'm Thinking Ahead - an easy-read guide to help people with learning disabilities be more involved in planning
How to be part of the world of work - a recently published guide to help young people and adults to explore ideas about work.
Over the past couple of years it has been hard to plan ahead as we have so been restricted by the pandemic and the lock down measures. Now, as things begin to settle down it is an ideal moment to look at all the things that we have put off doing and hopefully put a plan in place. This workshop will help you to do so!
Please use this link to sign up and let me know if there are any particular ‘transitions’ or life changes (for example entering work for the first time or moving from child to adult care) that you would like Christine to focus upon.