'Introduction to supporting siblings of children with Fragile X Syndrome'
I am delighted to announce that on:
Tuesday 26th January 2021 at 7:30pm

Sibs (the renowned Sibling support Charity) will be running a webinar on how to help support and advise families with brothers and sisters of children affected by Fragile X syndrome.
As many of you will already know, frequently and out of necessity, the child with disabilities often becomes the main focus of attention sometimes leaving siblings to their own devices.
Sibs will give you some practical advice on how to ensure the siblings' own individual needs are met. The Society has covered Sibs' fee for putting on this event, and it is free to all of our members! However, if you do want to make a donation to help cover the cost, we would be very grateful.
Their events have proved very popular in the past, so please do book early to avoid disappointment, by completing the online form using the link below.

Here is some feedback from previous Sibs events:
"Very grateful for such an informative talk. I hope there are follow up talks as would like to hear more."
"Siblings often come second so it felt great to devote some time thinking of them."
"Really enjoyed this and learned a lot more than I expected."
"Yes, very useful. Good in giving you ideas. Interesting to hear from the trainer...a 'sibling' herself."
"Worth every minute."
"It helps to know you're not alone in concerns you may have for your sibling children. Learn new tips for helping them."
Pete Richardson
Managing Director
***This event is now full and registration has closed***