'What legal means are available to protect your loved ones?'
I am delighted to announce that on Tuesday 9 March 2021 at 7:30pm we will be hosting a webinar for you entitled “What legal means are available to protect your loved ones?”
This session will be led by Richard Guy, a Senior Associate from Birketts Solicitors.
Richard has an expertise in wills, the creation and administration of trusts, tax/estate planning for individuals and their families (including lifetime gifts), powers of attorney (including Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs) and Enduring Powers of Attorney (EPAs) and mental capacity issues, probate and estate administration, deeds of variation and Court of Protection matters.

You can contact Richard direct on 01473 406311 | Extn: 2311, or via email.
We are very fortunate to have secured Richard’s services and I anticipate that this webinar will be very popular for those of you with caring responsibilities, so please do book early to avoid disappointment using the form here.
Here is the agenda for the evening:
7:30 pm Welcome and introduction – Pete
7:35 - 7:50pm How to help loved ones with making decisions? – Richard
7:50 – 8.00pm Q&A Chaired by Pete
8.00– 8:15pm How to leave things for loved ones when you pass away? – Richard
8:20 pm Q & A Chaired by Pete
8:40 pm Thank you and close – Pete
If you have already signed up for the meeting, please look out for an email with the Zoom link.
Alternatively, click here to join the session.
We look forward to welcoming you.
Pete Richardson
Managing Director