Phil Malsbury has secured a place in this year's 2024 London Marathon, and has chosen to raise funds for the Fragile X Society. Here, he tells us what inspired him to get involved!

I will be running the London Marathon in April in memory of my wonderful father who sadly passed away late last year. I will be marking the event by again running for a charity close to my family's heart, the Fragile X Society.
The Fragile X Syndrome is a genetic condition that causes intellectual disability, behavioural and learning challenges and various physical characteristics. Thought it occurs in both genders, males are more frequently affected than females, and generally with greater severity.
At least, two children in my wife's extended family are affected by the Fragile X Syndrome. This charity has been fantastic as a support mechanism, both for the family and the children involved. As my wife's family is a large one (her mother was one of twelve children!) they formed part of a significant study carried out by the Charity into the Syndrome. My wife is not a carrier so our children has not been affected. It is for those members of the extended family that have been impacted that I am looking to support in my charitable endeavours.
If you would like to support Phil please visit his just giving page Philip Malsbury is fundraising for The Fragile X Society (