During the Charity Stewards’ Lodge meeting at Chingford Masonic Hall on November 6th, Pete was thrilled to present on Fragile X to an audience of over 30 brethren and family members.
The Masonic Lodges in Essex do fabulous work for charities and have been hugely supportive and generous to the Fragile X Society. We had been brought to the attention of the Charity Stewards Lodge after they met with Derek Dellow when he was in the Chair at Henry De Gray Lodge last year.
Derek has close family connections with Fragile X and had made us his Charity for the year. Derek and his wife Susan attended the White Table event and supported the presentation.
After the meeting the Lodge presented £500 to the Fragile X Society to support our work and in addition Steve Hall gave another £1,100 that had been raised at a summer barbeque for Henry De Gray Lodge, hosted by Steve Bruyel.
It was lovely for Pete to be able to thank everyone in person and assure them that the money they raised will go directly to supporting families with help and advice.
Chris Hicks, Provincial Charity Steward, his colleagues and the Derek and Susan Dellow have all done a fabulous job with their fundraising efforts and helping to raise awareness of Fragile X.
Thank you so much for all your hard work and support.