We were delighted to welcome so many of you to our Fragile X Society Conference held at the Midlands Arts Centre in Birmingham on Saturday 24 September 2022.
If you were unable to join us, or you would like a reminder of the presentations, the videos of all the talks are now available to view in the 'Fragile X Society Conference 2022' playlist on our YouTube channel, here.
In this playlist, you'll find videos of our speakers giving their presentations on the following topics:
Fragile X Premutation Associated Conditions: an overview by Dr Kirsten Johnson (Chair, Board of Directors, Fragile X Society) and Dr Joanna Moss (University of Surrey). This video also includes a welcome and introduction to the conference from Pete Richardson, Managing Director of the Fragile X Society
Autism and sensory differences in Fragile X Syndrome with Dr Katherine Ellis and Dr Joanna Moss, University of Surrey
Development and compensation of brain activity in rodent models of Fragile X Syndrome by Dr Sam A Booker, The Patrick Wild Centre (The Patrick Wild Centre for Research into Autism, Fragile X Syndrome and Intellectual Disabilities is based at the University of Edinburgh)
Sleep matters in Fragile X Syndrome with Dr Georgie Agar, Aston University
35 years of research on attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: what does it mean for people with Fragile X Syndrome and their families? from Dr Natali Bozhilova
Developing a Fragile X Hub Network in the UK with Dr Gaia Scerif
Click below to view each talk: