Scrooge's office was usually iced to match his personality and all of his features had shrivelled and frozen...
But here at the Fragile X Society, for the first time in many years, we will be warm and cosy at Christmas. We are delighted to announce that from Wednesday 8 December 2021, we will be moving premises to 4 Stortford Road. It's literally next door. We've negotiated a really good lease and have kept costs to a minimum. Those of you who visited our old premises will know that they were no longer fit for purpose, cold, damp and dark...
This move feels like a really big step forward for us and will represent a turning point for The Fragile X Society as we continue our journey to upgrade the services and support that we provide for you. And of course, if any of you are in the vicinity of Great Dunmow, please do pop in and see us.
Please note that both the office and helpline will be CLOSED from Tuesday 7 December to Thursday 9 December inclusive. We regret that we will be unable to respond to your enquiries during this time, and apologise for any inconvenience. We will re-open on Tuesday 14 December, all being well! Please note that our email addresses and telephone number will not change.
Our new postal address will be:
The Chestnuts
4 Stortford Road
Great Dunmow